On June 11th, ERA Fabric hosted a groundbreaking workshop as part of the Fostering inter-regional connections between innovation ecosystems across the EU. The discussions were grouped around: Sustainable Manufacturing, Biobased Circular Economy, and Clean Renewable Energy. The webinar brought together thought leaders, industry experts, and dedicated participants to explore the future of sustainability and innovation. Now we are pleased to share the key takeaways from each panel, highlighting the insights and discussions that will drive our collective efforts towards a greener future.

🌿 Panel 1 – Sustainable Manufacturing 

  • Support for Cross-Regional Collaboration: EU-funded programs like Interreg I3 are facilitating the exchange of good practices and information, though there is potential for further improvement. Leveraging existing platforms and boosting open innovation mechanisms is crucial.
  • Linking European Research Excellence and Knowledge Valorization: Private-public partnerships, such as the Brainport development in Eindhoven, are vital for high TRL projects. Public funding for lower TRL projects is necessary to elevate research to higher levels and ensure better valorization.
  • Aligning European Research Projects with Regional Strategies: Including governmental bodies in EU projects ensures alignment with regional strategies and boosts project impact. Combining research bodies, clusters, stakeholders, and industry enhances knowledge management and outcomes.

♻️Panel 2 – Biobased Circular Economy

  • Joint Projects and Initiatives: Participation in projects like I3 Interreg EIE ERASMUS and the Vanguard initiative strengthens cross-border cooperation. Regular interregional workshops and high-level meetings are paving the way for collaborative initiatives.
  • Mechanisms to Link European Research Excellence and Knowledge Valorization: Structures such as clusters, EDIHs, and technology transfer centres help translate research results into market-ready innovations. Fiscal incentives and national dedicated funding for research valorization are essential.
  • Practices to Align and Reinforce European Research Projects with Regional/National Strategies: Creating topic-specific working groups and prioritising research areas that leverage existing regional strengths is crucial. Identifying model regions with strong R&D integration and highlighting best practices can drive further innovation.

🌞 Panel 3 – Clean Renewable Energy Workshop 

  • Cross-Regional Support: Initiatives in regions like Liguria and Emilia-Romagna are mapping and coordinating stakeholders in renewable energy, robotics, and logistics. These efforts aid in understanding roles and fostering collaboration.
  • Mechanisms to Link European Research Excellence and Knowledge Valorization: Establishing platforms to inform the public about ongoing projects and results is critical. Funding high-technology research projects within regional networks helps identify key players and facilitate collaboration.
  • Practices to Align and Reinforce European Research Projects with Regional/National Strategies: Ensuring projects align with both EU and regional priorities using a bottom-up approach is vital. The importance of aligning research areas with Smart Specialisation (S3) strategies and leveraging regional strengths cannot be overstated.

Fostering Collaboration and Innovation

By leveraging these insights and fostering collaboration, we can drive sustainable practices, enhancing innovation and competitiveness across regions. ERA FABRIC is dedicated to transforming research and innovation into tangible benefits, promoting competitiveness and sustainability across Europe.

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