The 1st ERA FABRIC Steering Committee meeting
The 1st ERA FABRIC Steering Committee meeting was hosted by colleagues from EURECAT and was held on 16-17th October 2023 in Barcelona.
On 16th October, the agenda focused on state of play of project’s Work Packages implementation. Andrea Filippetti (CNR) talked the ERA Hubs as Knowledge Ecosystems, their definition and the case studies which will illustrate current ecosystems. The final report will be released in the mid of November as a deliverable of our project. In the second slot, Ivana Vuka (UNIST) updated about the progress of Work Package ERA Hubs as Multi- Stakeholder Platforms which aiming at mapping the relevant ecosystem stakeholders and current policy instruments to create working groups. LluÃs Viñé (EURECAT) presented the progress of work on ERA Hubs as a transformative set of measures and tools. The current activities in Communication, Dissemination and Public Engagement package was discussed by Krzysztof Mieszkowski (Warsaw University of Technology). Ricardo Miguéis (INESC TEC) presented the concept of Widening and sustainability of ERA Hubs beyond ERA FABRIC project. Finally, OndÅ™ej Hradil (MUNI) & Francesco Molinari (ART-ER) arranged the workshop on monitoring & evaluation of Knowledge Ecosystems meeting the requirements of ERA Hubs.

On the second day participants had a chance to learn from Catalan stakeholders about their experience of dealing with Hydrogen technologies development from the presentations delivered by Isaac Justicia ( and H2CAT network delivered by MÃriam DÃaz de los Bernardos managed from EURECAT. Sandra Pérez spoke about the Catalan involvement in the European Digital Innovation Hubs through DIH4CAT project. The general cluster policy in Catalonia was briefly presented by Joan MartÃ. His presentation was complemented by Àlex Brossa who shared Packaging Cluster presentation with us.
These presentations were very in line with the subject of ERA Hubs, where vital networks play their role as a platform for individual stakeholder’s engagement, space for knowledge sharing and forums for defining policy advice.
Next meeting of Steering Committee has scheduled on 11-12 April in Split.
Stay tuned for the next news about our deliverables.