ERA_FABRIC was present during the #MazoviaBusinessSupportInstitutionsForum on May 20th, 2024.

It was the first on-site meeting after a long break organised by Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego w Warszawie. Good to meet with old friends and to meet the new ones, but also to discuss the vibrant inititives happening in Mazovia ecosystem.

People or Institutions
CPI Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A. | Mazovia Cluster ICT | PPTF – Polska Platforma Technologiczna Fotoniki | Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości | Youth Business Poland (YBP) | Centrum Kreatywności Targowa | Targowa Creativity Centre | DELab UW | INVESTIN Sp. z o.o. | Krystyna Jarek | Fundacja Inkubator Technologiczny | Fundacja Polska Innowacyjna | Inkubator UW | Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (Polish Chamber of Commerce) | SEKWENCJA | PGM Automotive Association – National Key Cluster | Grow with Warsaw | CEZAMAT PW | European Chemical Regions Network | Klaster Gospodarki Odpadowej i Recyklingu – Krajowy Klaster Kluczowy | INNOWO | UNIMOS Alliance |

? Projects & initiatives
? European Funds

| Mazovia EDIH | Mazovian Startupolis | Fundusze Europejskie dla Mazowsza |

? Regional Funds
| #MSODI | #AkredytowanaMazowieckaIOB | #MazovianInnovationCouncil | #S3Taskforces | Innowator Mazowsza | #StartujZMazowsza | Radom – city of industry of the future  | Radom Entrepreneurship Academy | Plock Entrepreneurship Academy | #MazovianStartUpIV |

? Interreg programme
| SECON Project | #IMPETUS | SIreNERGY | PROACTsme | #REWARD | #BSRDeepTechLaunch | PROACTsme |

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