In Trondheim, forward-thinking businesses, investors, and public stakeholders shared their visions at the Næringskonferansen i Trøndelag (Trøndelag Business Conference). With 100 participants gathered at the Radisson Blu Hotel, the focus was on circular economy, sustainable production, test facilities, industrial areas, and clusters.

The conference offered more than just inspiring lectures. It created a valuable arena for networking and learning, which ERA FABRIC actively promotes. And networking, as we know, can lead to exciting discoveries!

From manure to megawatts?

One of the most thought-provoking presentations came from Haakon Skar, CEO of Thamsklyngen – Thams Industrial Cluster. Skar predicted that proper treatment of livestock manure (cattle, pigs, and chickens) could provide us with as much as 12% of our current energy production from the oil and gas industry! This inspiring example shows the potential of thinking circularly and utilizing resources smartly.

Circular economy – more than just a buzzword

Næringskonferansen i Trøndelag demonstrated that circular economy is not just a fancy concept but a concrete strategy for creating new business opportunities and sustainable value creation. Several presentations and panel discussions highlighted practical examples of how businesses can:

  • Reduce waste and resource consumption
  • Extend the lifespan of products
  • Reuse and give new life to materials
  • Collaborate across industries to optimize resource utilization
  • Join to ERA FABRIC and be the part of the journey!

As ERA FABRIC, we are proud to participate in such initiatives that promote circular economy and innovation in the business community. We work to connect actors, share knowledge, and create synergies to build a more sustainable future.

Were you inspired by Næringskonferansen i Trøndelag? Do you want to learn more about the circular economy and how your business can take steps towards a more sustainable future? If yes, just subscribe to our NEWSLETTER NOW! 
Share your thoughts and experiences on our X or LinkedIn profile! Let’s continue the conversation and inspire each other to build a more sustainable future.

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