ERA HUBs at AISRE conference
On September 6-8th, 2023, the annual AISRE conference was held. The event discussed the theoretical concept of innovation and knowledge ecosystems and the EU’s ERA HUBs policy.
The theme of conference was “Europe and the Mediterranean between Transition and Conflict. Opportunities and threats for regions and territories”. The event included a wide range of topics related to the territorial economy and local – regional policies. A specific session focused on knowledge ecosystems of innovation.
During the second day of the conference, Lorenzo Dorato, Andrea Filippetti and Fabrizio Tuzi from Institute for the Study of Regionalism, Federalism and Self-Government of the National Research Council of Italy, Rome (CNR) presented the theme “Towards a common market for knowledge in the European research area: ERA HUBs and knowledge ecosystems”. In conclusion, the authors emphasized that “effective plural models of positive synergies can be reproduced according to the specific territorial context building on the past and present experiences of successful schemes of aggregation among private, public and third sector actors”.