At ERA FABRIC, we are committed to fostering a single market that supports green and digital transitions. Through our workshops and collaborations, we identified the challenges and leveraged the opportunities presented by sustainable manufacturing, biobased circular economies, and clean renewable energy. 

Sustainable Manufacturing: Bridging Digital and Green Transitions

Challenges and Opportunities

The resilience of digital transformation is a significant challenge due to the increasing volume of data and the high energy consumption of data centres. Implementing green coding practices is essential to mitigate environmental impacts. A dual-level approach is crucial for bridging the gap between global excellence and local business application, particularly in green transition efforts. Local businesses need effective strategies to absorb and utilise research results.


More practical approaches are necessary to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of policy implementation.

Enhancing Access to Excellence and Translating R&I Results

Strengthening cross-regional collaboration along the value chain is vital. Policies should be aligned financially and in terms of market implementation and risk balancing. Support for feasibility studies is crucial to effectively transfer intellectual property (IP) into the market.

Successful Model

The EIC Accelerator was highlighted as a successful initiative supporting single companies in transforming R&I results into economic benefits.

Multi-Level Governance and Horizon Integration

A well-functioning knowledge ecosystem requires regional orchestration of all actors, including companies, research institutions, government, and investors. Effective ecosystems feature strong local business roots, access to various stakeholders, and bottom-up initiatives.

Key Indicators

  • Number of companies benefiting from services.
  • Increase in company turnovers.
  • Achieving Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 6 or 7.
  • Innovation impact measured by societal benefits and revenue from digital channels.
  • Customer digital engagement metrics.

Strategic Alignment and Investment Prioritization

To accelerate the twin transitions and ensure fair competition and societal benefits, specific policy changes and regulatory reforms are necessary. Prioritising strategic alignment and investment in critical areas will drive progress.

Biobased Circular Economy: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities


Implementing common models and guidelines systematically across different business models is essential. Companies must recognize the opportunities offered by various business models, such as the rapid innovation potential of startups. Data and knowledge transfer difficulties persist, particularly in educating stakeholders about the twin transition. There is a significant gap in knowledge and education on the twin transition.


Biomethane, especially when integrated with digital tools and current energy policies, presents substantial opportunities. Effective data management is crucial, yet many companies still lack the necessary digital skills.

ERA Hubs Contributions

Sharing success stories to inspire and educate stakeholders and simplifying the ERA Hubs concept to make it more accessible and understandable.

Enhancing Access to Excellence and Translating R&I Results

Supporting knowledge transfer through simplified guidelines and success stories, and collaborating with universities to provide ongoing education and support. Policy alignment is necessary for funding and co-funding initiatives to reduce innovation risks and finance collaboration.

Multi-Level Governance and Horizon Integration

Building a culture of collaboration and trust is crucial for a well-functioning knowledge ecosystem. Knowledge ecosystems need time to mature and become more structured in addressing twin transition challenges.

Strategic Alignment and Investment Prioritization

Simplifying models and creating supportive mechanisms at local and regional levels to help small companies integrate the twin transition into their business models.

Clean Renewable Energy: Embracing Innovation and Sustainability

Challenges and Opportunities

Adapting manufacturing technologies to meet clean energy demands by boosting efficiency, cutting costs, and ensuring sustainable production is crucial. Innovations in grid management and energy storage are essential for integrating renewable energy sources, improving reliability, efficiency, and overall grid stability.

Digital Tools and Smart Solutions

Implementing digital tools and smart technologies to optimise energy use and enhance the integration of renewable sources into existing infrastructures.

Facilitating R&D Translation into Economic Benefits

Clusters and technology transfer centres are essential for collaboration and knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry. Significant investments are needed in new green technologies, with public investments de-risking early-stage innovations and private investments driving large-scale deployment. Increasing funding and resources for research institutions can accelerate commercialization. Aligning industrial needs with research capabilities through liaison offices can bring relevant innovations to market.

Indicators of a Well-Functioning Knowledge Ecosystem

Strong partnerships between commercial entities and research organisations lead to market innovations. Frequent collaborative projects and events indicate a healthy ecosystem. Effective ecosystems balance industrial needs with the skilled human resources to drive innovation.

Policy Changes and Regulatory Reforms Needed

Implementing CO2 taxes and pricing mechanisms to make green technologies more competitive is necessary. Policies promoting funding structures that support collaboration between companies and infrastructure projects are crucial. Targeted campaigns to educate stakeholders about the benefits of the green transition, sustained support for R&D in emerging green technologies, and emphasising policies that support recycling and reuse to reduce waste and carbon emissions are all important steps.

At ERA FABRIC, we are dedicated to driving progress in sustainable manufacturing, biobased circular economies, and clean renewable energy. Stay tuned for more updates and join us in shaping a sustainable future.

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