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ERA FABRIC Workshops – policies to promote cross-regional collaboration

We invite you to our second workshop aimed at defining policies to enhance the European Research Area (ERA). The workshop will be a collaborative effort ...
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#Mazovia Business Support Institutions Forum

ERA_FABRIC was present during the #MazoviaBusinessSupportInstitutionsForum on May 20th, 2024. It was the first on-site meeting after a long break organised by Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa ...
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ERA FABRIC: Initiatives for Green and Digital Transitions

At ERA FABRIC, we are committed to fostering a single market that supports green and digital transitions. Through our workshops and collaborations, we identified the ...
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ERA FABRIC Workshops – policies to promote a single market for the green and digital transition

ERA FABRIC Workshops – policies to promote a single market for the green and digital transition The primary goal of this workshop is to gather ...
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The EU-Wide Stakeholder Survey on the Most Recurrent Characteristics of Knowledge Ecosystems

The report on EU-Wide Stakeholder Survey on the Most Recurrent Characteristics of Knowledge Ecosystems has been done. It illustrates and analyses the results of a ...
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